The Astrology of Dogecoin

The Astrology of Dogecoin

Sunstone Astrology
4 min readApr 19, 2021

If you like financial astrology, this is my analysis of the cryptocurrency Dogecoin. Below, I will provide some astrological perspectives on Dogecoin, its investors, its latent potential, and possibly, its future.

First a disclaimer: I’m not a financial advisor. Dogecoin is a highly volatile investment and you could lose all of your money by investing in it. Therefore, this analysis is for *entertainment purposes* only. Please rely on your own research and do not use this information to make investment decisions.

Dogecoin’s Birth Chart

Dogecoin boasts a fabulous and powerful birth chart. The ruler of the 1st house (Saturn) is in the 10th and ruler of the 10th house (Pluto) is in the first — indicative of fame, honors, and tremendous success.

The Jupiter in exaltation (in Cancer) in the 7th house shows the tremendous wealth of the public, those who will invest in Dogecoin. The coin will attract wealthy Jupiterians who love animals and who are “peerless” in their status. Also, the ruler of that Jupiter (moon) is in the 1st house of self! The wealthy people come to Doge, and they are futurists and weird, unique, fringe type people, and highly intelligent (Moon in Aquarius in the first or second depending on the perspective), so the others contribute to Dogecoin’s wealth and they are very INTERESTED in Dogecoin. And we can follow the moon’s ruler back to Saturn in the 10th! The others help Dogecoin become famous and successful — and Dogecoin’s fame and success is also THEIR fame and success.

Wild and Unpredictable or Strong and Reliable?

I’ve heard people say that Dogecoin is wild and erratic, but aren’t we all when we are young? Especially those of us who are extremely rebellious and impatient to achieve great things in accordance with our beautiful, hopeful, humanitarian philosophy (Sagittarius Sun, Moon in Aquarius, Jupiter in Cancer)? As an initially impatient Saturnian — who must learn the lessons of patience early on — Dogecoin could later bloom as the bastion of stability and security. This is a Saturnian chart with the Capricorn ascendant and the Saturn in the 10th. This is a strong and reliable coin, but we currently know him when he is a young, impatient buck who wants to shoot off into space right now, not later.

Ready for the Moon

Never Bet Against a Capricorn

Never bet against a Capricorn Ascendant with Saturn in the 10th unless you plan to be wrong. This crypto plays the long game.

The ruler of the 8th house (other people’s money) is in the 6th from the 7th. These rich investors want to use their money in service. These are good people — and their generosity and pie in the sky idealism come back to them as the ruler of the 12th is in the 7th.

Interesting that the exalted ruler of the first and the traditional ruler of the 10th (Mars) is in the sign of commerce, Virgo. So this Dogecoin is very much about being correct and detail-oriented, and it is EXCELLENT for transacting. It also has a philosophy. A futuristic *idealistic* philosophy.

Some say that Dogecoin is nothing more than a dream — for its idealism and its eternal optimism. Perhaps. But I believe that the Jupiter in Cancer indicates the tremendous, juicy, opulent goodness that comes to those who take the risk and have faith in this coin. And the Capricorn in the 10th (ruler of the first) indicates the tremendous unstoppable drive and the constant increase in momentum toward achieving the goal.

Capricorn rising. Saturn in the 10th. DOGE is a late bloomer. But good secure things and tremendous long-term success come to those who wait. The dessert comes last but boy is it good and tasty (Jupiter in Cancer).

**This is not financial advice. I’m not a financial advisor. These are just some astrological observations that came to me as I looked at the chart. **



Sunstone Astrology
Sunstone Astrology

Written by Sunstone Astrology

Horoscopes and astrological writing from astrologer Jeremy Alan. Follow @sunstoneastrology on Instagram.

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